Venusian Musings
Venus serves my sun, my “debilitated” sun in Aquarius in the 6th house. Reading Arielle Guttman and how the VSP (Venus Star Point) of one sign “feeds” that of another. (She wrote a whole book on it of the same name - no time to explain right now!) My VSP is in Gemini, which feeds the Aquarius VSP. The qualities imbued by one’s VSP are very similar to that sun sign’s qualities, but at a higher vibration! Less obviously detectable… kinda like Cordelia in Buffy the Vampire Slayer being good at standardized tests: “What? I can’t have layers?”
*On a similar topic the degrees apart between a biquintile (144 degrees) and a quincunx (150 degrees) are arguably quite close! Quintiles are aspects that are creatively Venusian, and quincunxes are blind spots that require adjustment to resolve. How do these seemingly opposed energies relate to each other? They are so close in degree, yet their rote interpretations are seemingly opposite! Adjustments requiring creative/divine intervention to resolve? Hmmm…