Moon in my 4th House

I was almost done reading Big Magic (Elizabeth Gilbert), sitting in my mom’s old chair in my study, looking out the window. There I could see through the leaves of the trees little slivers of light shaped like numerous crescent moons (new moons to be precise - pointing to the left!) This seemed strange to me, implausible: how? I look again and it’s not all moons … and then it is again! I’m shifting the position of my head a little, and realize it’s the warping of the old glass in the window. This house was built in 1958 and those windows are original.

This also makes me think of the moon residing in my 4th house of home (and family and ancestry…) When I was a little kid, a child, I had this recurring dream where I’d sleepwalk (which I often did) out of my bedroom into the hallway, and then look up to see millions of stars where the ceiling should be! This was sometimes terrifying, but over time I kinda got used to it, and came to accept it.

I also was gifted an unusual pewter locket, the front of it was like a front door with a little window in it. Open it up, and there’s this giant shooting star that filled an empty room, it’s trail coming from a large open window. I wish I still had this locket. I’ve never seen anything else quite like it!

My moon is in Saggitarius, and one of the ways this manifests for me is in a love of the stars … and also books! My mom was also a librarian, and both of my parents have/had huge collections of books.


Venusian Musings