The Sabian symbols of noteable recent astro events
How I read the Sabian symbols:
I follow a tip from Caroline Casey: I look at both Dane Rudhyar’s interpretations of the Sabian symbols as channelled by Miss Wheeler in the early 20th century, and than Martin Goldsmith’s more modern interpretations of the degrees of the zodiac (perhaps more influenced by the wildness of the 60’s), based on research (including a lot of celebrity charts, for better or for more fantastic!). Both methods assign a symbol to each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, which the sun passes through almost 1 day a piece. (I’ve been loosely following the sun’s journey this year, comparing the symbol for each day (or partial day) in each book against how that day vibes for me, and often what I hear in the news.)
I feel the energy to lie somewhere in between each version (colored by their own respective cultural references and time periods), where details within each symbol may be ripe for manifestation when activated by planetary energies. And, the energy is deeper and richer even than that!
8 degrees Virgo:
the degree that Mercury just turned (from retrograde to) direct on on September 15, is on the symbol of a child taking a dance class. …Encompassing learning to move beautifully from a teach of a tradition, and practicing in preparation to perform. Relevant to me in terms of blogging AND I just started taking a class to learn Hula! Sometimes these symbols are symbolic, and sometimes their depiction manifests quite literally!
22 degrees Virgo:
The degree of this most recent new moon on September 14. Martin Goldsmith’s symbol for the NM degree seems to be emphasized with the UAW strike that struck on midnight (EST) right after Mercury went direct! (*Intuitively, this makes sense to me, but here’s a place to tease out the details a little better as to how this works. Carrying the light tends to happen with the Moon, in this case traveling from Mercury (retrograde still on the 13th) to the Sun (which is the definition of the new moon, on the 15th). The fact that things still need(ed) more mental reworking (Mercury retrograde) came to light (the Sun). In this context, My Aquarian Sun is not a fan of Rudyar’s symbol for this degree in this particular context as “a royal coat of arms encrusted with precious stones” in which Rudyar focuses on the king maintaining his castle. Will have to watch how this plays out with all of the strikes going on. (Though I do really like precious and semi-precious stones! And, I like the idea of being able to keep my house too!)