More on the New Moon, AI, and Writing

I still have some loose ends to follow through from yesterday! Had a good conversation with my dad as well. And have been reading more of Big Magic - I think I mentioned that yesterday! (It’s still good!) Convo with my dad was around writing (which he does a lot of).

The new moon still feels really new. Someone recently was describing their natal crescent Moon (Was it Chani Nicholas on The Astrology Podcast? Just looked her up, and yes, I believe it was!) And that it’s always pushing to create, to become. I can feel that. I have Mars conjunct Moon natally (*sp?), so pushing is an experience I’m all too familiar with! But, my natal Moon phase is balsamic. So, my natural natal way of creating is more a distillation of essence, what’s really important (at least right now) and letting the rest fall away (reduce, reuse, recycle, throw into the cauldron, compost). These keywords are often associated with the South Node (of the Moon), though only one angle thereof. The rest relate to Karma, people, patterns, skills and talents we’ve developed to a point of (at least nearly) over-developing at the expense of learning, doing, experiencing new things (North node) that might not be as comfortable.

Regarding AI, particularly generative artificial intelligence, I fell like… (backing up) my friend, Joshua Dietrich, a sculptor who writes amazing long posts (and the odd brilliant short post too) on Facebook. Anyway, he mentioned in one of his posts that artists are now going to need to demonstrate their process now to prove the authenticity of their art and skill, and that it’s real and not created with AI. I’m thinking that way here too… I may actually post these online, old-skool blog style! (And look where we are! That was actually pretty fast! Might go quicker if I just typed these straight into here, but I dunno. We’ll see. I like writing longhand and not looking at a screen sometimes.)

More on Writing:
I also like the idea of sharing my journey with astrology, so more people can learn along with me. It’s never-ending what one can learn through it! And, it’s applicable to, like, everything! (Though not always accurately, but then what is? …)

And, I learn best through doing. And writing is the medium/form of doing/creating I’m playing with here now. I would love to make more visual art again too, but my ideas are too fast and fleeting to pin down. I probably just need to do it (as in that) too!

Inside out as a strength: This came up recently too around this new moon - I believe on Astrology Hub. And, I’m playing with that idea here too!

Have I mentioned yet that I’m battling years of perfectionism? (Shadow Virgo)


The Sabian symbols of noteable recent astro events


New Moon in Virgo