New Moon in Virgo
This is my first astro blog post! Welcome to my brain! What you see here was originally written in my notebook by hand, and I’m transcribing it into digital format after the fact. Pardon the mess. So, what follows is more or less what I originally wrote longhand. And, it goes something like this…
New moon feels like… (It was exact Thursday night)
Hope springs anew (as autumn descends).
*Look up the Sabian symbol for the degree!
Creativity is a big theme that I’ve been hearing from (other) astrololgers and feeling stirring in me too. I also just started (again!) reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, and it’s really helping me right now! I believe I needed some down time (balsamic moon phase - my own natal moon phase) to really be able to feel this.
The cycles are so important to our life and health! They are always there, happening in layers throughout the symphony of our lives, but the productivity monsters keep wanting us to slave away always, whether or not that work has any meaning to us or even killing us in some way (or literally!). I digress…
Today, I start creating more of my own material, even if it’s just for me. I am currently thinking of art related to the moon, though I don’t know what medium to try that in…or if writing about it is it for today! And that may be enough for now? I may revisit this thought with another creative action on Monday with Vicky Inam.
There is a Sabian-like book related to the moon on my shelf that may be worth getting into today? Or… I can keep taking my own notes and compare them another month. Maybe next.
Might my personal musings be useful for others to read on a blog? (Haha! And here it is! I am actually transcribing these from my handwritten notebook right now!)
Start creating, make a thing, publish it, repeat. Perfection bends to meet you as you grow.
May this new moon in Virgo be a blessing for you to blossom in your own creativity somehow that makes you feel more yourself! (I think a lot of this creativity speak is actually tied to Venus having just gone direct after a dramatic retrograde in Leo - a sign related to creativity and the sharing of.)
Virgo Keywords (from my head):
Priestess, organizer of chaos, digestion & elimination of waste, harvest, earth, mutable, late summer, service, practicality, elegance, the female body, attending to the details, yin, the story of Persephone & Ceres/Demeter, thought manifest into form (check this), Chiron, Hygeia, cycles of life & death, composting (*?), bees, ants, starlings, all things moving organized as one. But with people we often see this in the world driven by Pluto. (*more to explore here?) Pluto is a key part of the story with Persephone. If we look at it with a neutral (non-judgemental of good/bad) we may gleen some useful insight! Productivity (with Mars), efficiency (with Saturn), craft (with Venus, Athena), lists (like this! Haha!)
*Note that this list is by no means exhaustive, and much of it will require refining.
Shadow side of Virgo:
Perfectionism, self-sacrifice, martyrdom, forest for the trees…
Note these are things we might engage in (or with), and do not necessarily describe who we are.
Re: Mercury retrograde stationing direct today!:
I feel like all theses threads that have been tangled are actually starting to get organized! Flashes of clarity that are actually connected to my heart as well as my head! Like my hand/body, brain, and heart are actually all more in unison again! It’s brilliant!
Close to NM in Virgo, w/Mercury stationing direct in Virgo, opposite Saturn in Pisces (loosely). Sun trine Uranus … actually in a grand earth trine with Ceres & Vesta today!
Writing gives me the an opportunity to create the story of my life!